12.30.2009 by Kevin Creighton
Can't. Wait.
I lurves me my iPhone, but this could be a game-changer for the entire computer industry.
And now here's the Utah Saints to sing the title of today's post.

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12.23.2009 by Kevin Creighton
I lurves me my iPhone, but if
these are truly the specs for the new Google phone, I am intrigued.
- 512MB RAM, 512MB ROM, included 4GB microSD card, expandable to 32GB
- 5 megapixel camera with LED flash and mechanical autofocus
- 3.7″ WVGA AMOLED screen — in other words, as big as the Droid and brighter
- Worldwide GSM/EDGE, but 3G only on T-Mobile in the US (supports 2100, 1700 and 900 frequencies, meaning Europe should be covered)
- 1GHz Qualcomm chip — if accurate, that would make the Nexus One one of the fastest — if not the fastest — smartphones on the market.
- Wi-Fi A/B//G/N
- Bluetooth 2.1
- Accelerometer
A 5.2 megapixel camera with flash and autofocus in a PHONE? Nikon, Canon, etc. better get on the ball and start making some co-branding deals with Nokia, etc, if they ever want to sell a consumer camera again.

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by Kevin Creighton
Caution: Do Not Try This At Home
So what happens if you send out a spam-like email promising someone $10,000 dollars, and then follow it up with an actual briefcase full of cash? An interesting social experiment, that's what.
I just hope this doesn't result in 22,000 emails in my inbox promising me the exact same thing.

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12.18.2009 by Kevin Creighton
So get your laptop and get on your way to McDonald's (wifi).
Beginning in mid-January, McDonald's restaurants nationwide will remove the fee for Wi-Fi Internet access, instantly becoming one of the largest providers of free access in the country.
McDonald's customers have 'consistently asked for' free Wi-Fi, a company official says, and research shows it'd prompt them to spend more on food.
About 11,000 of the more than 13,000 U.S. locations will offer free Wi-Fi under an arrangement with Dallas-based AT&T Inc., said David Groom, chief information officer for McDonald's USA.
Why? Here's why.
But (McDonald's CIO) Groom said McDonald's research showed consumers would spend more on food and drink if they did not have to pay to surf the Web.
Now if only they'd get some food and drink worth consuming..

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12.09.2009 by Kevin Creighton
Why does Google love Examiner.com?
"It's not a trick," says (Examiner.com CEO Rick) Blair. "We have almost 25,000 writers posting 3,000 original articles per day." Examiners take seminars on writing headlines, writing in the third person and making full use of social media, all of which are Google manna. But Blair thinks it's mostly the scale of the operation that makes Examiner.com articles so attractive to search engines, from which more than half of the site's traffic comes. That is, by stocking the lake with so many fish every day Examiner.com increases the chances the Google trawlers will haul one of theirs up.

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by Kevin Creighton
Google is going after work-at-home scammers that are using its name to rope in the dupes.
The Mountain View, Calif.-based Google provided other names users should be wary of: Google Adwork, Google ATM, Google Biz Kit, Google Cash, Earn Google Cash Kit, Google Fortune, Google Marketing Kit, Google Profits, The Home Business Kit for Google, Google StartUp Kit, and Google Works.
More power to them.

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by Kevin Creighton
Durh. (via
If marketers need a concrete example that social media can't cure their ills, look no further than college football's Bowl Championship Series. Two weeks ago, the BCS took to Facebook and Twitter and was immediately pummeled by thousands of angry college-football fans. The BCS learned quickly that if your product is hated, social media might not be the place for you.
Social media is a conversation, and if you've ticked off someone lately, they'll let you know. The BCS has a great opportunity to learn from Dell's example and listen to your customers. I'd be willing to be that it's not that people hate the BCS in and of itself, it's that their current ranking system still rewards pre-season polls and their utter refusal to implement an end-of-season playoff is what's got people upset.
It's not your organization/business, it's what you do (or don't do) that gets people worked up.

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