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Iced wildfire

8.31.2006 by Kevin Creighton

I can't believe the über-marketing force that is Starbucks would do something like release an internet coupon with a month-plus expiration date. All of a sudden, everyone and his dog has a coupon for a free iced coffee.


But what's worse is their response.

"An email offering a free Starbucks iced coffee beverage was distributed by Starbucks partners (employees) with instructions to forward it to their group of friends and family. Unfortunately, it has been redistributed beyond the original intent and modified beyond Starbucks control. Regretfully this email offer will no longer be valid at any Starbucks location effective immediately."

Hi. We screwed up. Now we're screwing you. Have a nice day.

Yep, that'll help with marketshare.

You, the dealer

8.29.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Robert Heinlein was one of the pioneers of science fiction, leaving behind a long legacy of outstanding writing, including Variable Star, completed posthumously by another author, Spider Robinson.

What piqued my interest is that the first eight chapters are available for free online.

Anyone else remember PC gaming before Doom? Doom broke two major rules: The first 3 levels were available for free, and you oculd modify the environment to your liking, changing it from Mars of the future to WWII Germany, for example.

Ok, what do you do that people want and are willing to pay for, and how do you give them just a taste for free that will make them come back for more, again and again, and pay you for the priviledge?

Welcome to The Addict Society. Now go make some money.


8.28.2006 by Kevin Creighton

I remember when Epson came out with their first photo printer with an amazing resolution of *gasp* 720x720 dpi. Wow. Okay, so it took a minute or two to crank out a full page, had a sheet feeder designed by Rube Goldberg himself and cost a gagillion or two. It was *cool*!!!

What a long, strange trip it's been.

Introducing your new location scout

by Kevin Creighton

Flickr now has geotagging.

The Classroom of the Net

8.25.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Cringely's on to something here...

"This video sharing business fascinates me because right now it is a shell game built on a shell game. The video sharing sites are for the most part losing money -- throwing, HURLING it away in huge wheelbarrows full, rather like the hyperinflation that plagued Germany right after World War I. And these video sharing sites are buying services from content distribution networks (CDNs), many of which are also losing money, especially if you consider the possibility that some sharing companies will undoubtedly go broke with their hosting bills unpaid. The opportunity, then, is for you and me to start a business that further leverages this financially risky double play. One such example is comedian/impressionist Frank Caliendo, who sells direct his own very funny DVDs using a simple web site stocked with video hosted for free on YouTube and others. This guy has to be making a killing and it costs him almost nothing. Who needs a studio or network deal with a system like that?"

Ok, so what do you do that could be a) videotaped and b) sold as content?

Ok, besides pr0n. Perverts.

I digress...

The premise of Squidoo is simple : Everyone's an expert at something. But if everyone's an expert, and experts can be videotaped and their lectures sold, why not put it on YouTube?

I gotta agree

by Kevin Creighton

This story from Playlist argues that the iPod's days as the portable music player of choice are numbered, and given the limited pocket space available, the rise of the MP3 phone will soon occur.


Look at what happened to Palm Pilots/Pocket PC's. Now it's Treos and WindowsMobile-powered phones. And how long will we see separate point and shoot digital cameras? Sure, there will always be a market for the digital equivalent to the Olympus XA for the semi-pro shooter (Geez, I loved mine.), but for the average consumer, their camera and music player of choice will soon be their phone.

dot Lazarus

8.24.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Like a lot of people, I loved Apple's original (free) incarnation of .Mac, iTools, and like of lot of people, I abused the heck out of it. Apple then came along with .Mac, and like a lot of people, I thought it wasn't worth $99 a year.

But I heartily endorse every idea here. Apple's in a great position to take advantage of web-services and they need to wise up, fast.

Wise words, Mr. Rubel

by Kevin Creighton

Steve Rubel (who if you're not reading and are in the Web2.0 game, you should be), sums up the problem facing those who want to make money blogging quite succinctly: "Startups advertising on startups spells trouble."

Forget about the snakes,

8.23.2006 by Kevin Creighton

beware of the muthalovin' Dell laptops on your muthalovin' plane!


8.22.2006 by Kevin Creighton



To borrow from Jack Nicholson in The Witches Of Eastwick,

"Windows: A disease, or did Microsoft do it to us on PURPOSE! Because if it's a disease, maybe we can do something about it, develop a vaccine, find a cure..."


8.21.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Ya did good work, Joe, now take a break.

And say "Hi" to Ernie Pyle for me, will ya?

"I'm not sure if the craft I love is being murdered, committing suicide, or both."

8.19.2006 by Kevin Creighton

I love good, hard-hitting photojournalism. My photo heroes were always Gene Smith, David Burnett, both of the Capa brothers, Eisenstadt and Eugene Richards.

But now there are questions if photojournalism itself is going to survive in a post-digital world

I'd argue for suicide. The ones who are killing it off are the ones taking the pictures. Pointing fingers to the bloggers who ask the questions the journalists themselves should be asking is to no avail. Don't shoot the messenger, instead, listen to his message.

A Modest Proposal:

Bandwidth is cheap. Storage is cheap. So why no put all the shots that a photo editor sees online, and let us, the reader, decide if his choice was valid, and see if there is an undue amount of editorial trickery and manipulation.

Ok, Rueters, Photobucket is waiting. The next move is up to you.

How did I work without it?

8.17.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Just bought the full version of Color Schemer Studio.

And threw my color wheel in the trash. The ability to upload, download and preview color schemes is just *amazing*. Love it, and heartily recommend it for all designers.

Oh, for a pin to prick pretension!

by Kevin Creighton

When I was in school, I had to share darkrooom space with photo students infected with what we photojournalists would call "AFA Syndrome", for "Ansel Freakin' Adams" (or something like that...), the idea that the only artist-photographers were the ones who sweated drops of blood into the fixer and agonized over the composition of every shot like world peace hung in the balance.

And then I'd show them some Henri-Cartier Bresson photos, and they'd shut up.

It seems that attitude does not fully die out, though.

Digital art is not art because you can't work it with your hands?


So if Beethoven composed the 9th using Logic instead of a piano, it wouldn't be a masterpiece?

Art is art, and it doesn't matter if you make it with a Sinar, Holga or Photoshop. Get used to it, or get out of the way.

All the cool kids are doing it

8.16.2006 by Kevin Creighton

I'm a big fan of social networks and viral marketing. I think it puts buying power back in the consumer's hands, where it belongs.

But we have to remember the mass of humanity can always be swayed by a few people working together, and even the most popular social networking on the 'Net, Digg.com, isn't impervious to coordinated pr/marketing efforts.

We're going to see a lot more of this soon.

Only logical

8.12.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Don's new DVD got me thinking about how shooters can find new revenue streams in today's cutthroat market, and I think his idea of a instructional DVD is a darn good one.

Our client's budgets are usually inflexible. Complaining that they're turning to cheap stock sites instead of hiring us is to no avail, because if there isn't the money in the budget for a thousand dollar location shoot, there's little that can be done about it. The problem from the client's perspective is that cheap stock sites they turn to have a lack of quality photos. So on the one hand, there are a lot of photographers out there that are contributing to those sites but with photos that stink. On the other hand, there a bunch of professional photographers other there who take good pictures, but can't compete with the prices the amatuers on istockphoto are charging.

Time to turn some cash cows into hamburger.

Commercial photography has existed for years with only one revenue stream, the selling and licensing of the photographer's images to the client. It can't survive much longer doing business like that, as the prices the market is willing to pay for images are dropping ever-lower. But the very thing that makes the images from a good pro shooter valuable to clients is what allows for other revenue streams: The knowledge and experience the photographer uses to take his photos.

Why can't that knowledge be licensed and sold? And that's just what Don's DVD is, a licensed product selling his knowledge about lighting. This is the way commercial shooters can find new income in a world of cheap stock photos: Sell not just what you make, but what you know.

So the question is:

8.11.2006 by Kevin Creighton

If Wired caught this guy faking news only after they put checks in balances in place due to a previous problem with fake sources, how many other news outlets have the same problem, and we're not aware of it?

Big Pimpin'

8.10.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Hey! Buy this! Now!

There, that was easy. Maybe it's not so hard to be a pimp these days...

The end of editorial?

8.08.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Oh boy. As if cheap stock images via CD-ROM weren't a wakeup call to photographers that their jobs were in danger, now we have SpyMedia's "Spy Bounties".

"A Spy Bounty is a request for specific photo(s) or information made by a member of the Spy Media community to other members in exchange for a cash payment or, in some cases, just a sincere "thank you". It's the ideal way to find people looking for the photos and information you can get or to connect with people that can get the photos and information you want."

Explain to me again: Why are professional photographers needed?


8.07.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Best comment on the preview of OS 10.5 today at Apple's Developer Conference from the geeks at Slashdot: "looks like Vista is gonna be delayed another 4 months now."


"If your going to ruin your career, at least work on the photo a little longer than two minutes."

8.05.2006 by Kevin Creighton

Looks like Reuters just caught doctoring a news photo. Judge for yourself. Even my non-photographer wife spotted it.

Yep, smoke always appears in repeating patterns like that. This thread over at sportsshooter.com rips the photo to shreds.

Shame on Reuters. Using Photoshop in this way, to shape and augment reporting, is the worst kind of shoddy photojournalism imaginable. They deserve all the derision they're about to get, and more.

Sure, sure,

by Kevin Creighton

Don links to all these cool, ultra-hip jazz musicians playing some of the best music ever recorded.


I say, you can't know what good music is until you've experienced BAD music.

Ladies and gentlemen... Bad music.


Makes sense

by Kevin Creighton

Macrumors.com looks at some of the alledged new features in iTunes being rolled out on Tuesday.

I like the "replace lost downloaded tracks" option, as it's both convenient for me and a new revenue stream for Apple. Good thinkin', there. And the social networking elements are going to be VERY popular on colleges, I can tell.

Just make it yourself

8.03.2006 by Kevin Creighton

I agree withJeff Jarvis. Again. The people who spend 3 minutes describing the drink they want at Starbuck's annoy me to no end.

But I disagree with him on the black coffee. Starbucks is barely drinkable, I'd much rather go with a cup of homemade Café Britt Dark Roast.

"Is Windows Vista ready"

by Kevin Creighton

Hell, no!

And Paul Thurrot is a big-time Windows advocate, too.


8.01.2006 by Kevin Creighton

My knowledge of nuclear physics barely extends past obsessively reading The Dancing Wu Li Masters 20 years ago, but if this solution to nuclear waste disposal pans out, you can kiss global warming goodbye.

I know, this has nothing to do with marketing, design or the usual stuff I post here. I just thought it was cool.


Kevin Creighton's views on online marketing, design, photography and the future of technology


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