Lightweight, carbon-fiber buggy whips
11.27.2012 by Kevin Creighton
... so Apple is bragging how Newstand allows people to read their magazines on the iPad instead of the print editions.
That's cool.
Only if you read magazines.
But if you've replaced dead-tree media with an RSS aggregator, why does that matter? Why should I wait a week for someone to serve up the internet to me once again so I can read what they think I should read? Instead of trying to re-create the technology of yesterday on the platform of today, why not create an Apple-branded news aggregator for iOS, because I've yet to find one that works to my satisfaction.
That's cool.
Only if you read magazines.
But if you've replaced dead-tree media with an RSS aggregator, why does that matter? Why should I wait a week for someone to serve up the internet to me once again so I can read what they think I should read? Instead of trying to re-create the technology of yesterday on the platform of today, why not create an Apple-branded news aggregator for iOS, because I've yet to find one that works to my satisfaction.