How social media changes marketing
From A Photo Editor:
Personally, I'm not a big fan of "Write once, post everywhere", as each medium has grammar and conventions all their own. Hashtags mean squat on Facebook, and writing a meaning message within the 140 characters allowed on Twitter can be a challenge.
But the idea that a blog is where it all starts is 100% correct. A blog is your voice. Where else you chose to speak (Tumblr, Facebook, etc) is up to you.
"It’s helpful to think about social media as just another publishing platform and delivery tool. No different than creating a postcard and mailing it to someone except that when you put something online it can be shared over and over again with no additional cost to you. ...A blog is the perfect tool for tackling all of these at once. You can publish your marketing material on a blog and have it sent automatically to an email list and post on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter."
Personally, I'm not a big fan of "Write once, post everywhere", as each medium has grammar and conventions all their own. Hashtags mean squat on Facebook, and writing a meaning message within the 140 characters allowed on Twitter can be a challenge.
But the idea that a blog is where it all starts is 100% correct. A blog is your voice. Where else you chose to speak (Tumblr, Facebook, etc) is up to you.