8.17.2009 by Kevin Creighton
Take a MacBook, a digital camera, a cheap inkjet printer and some Ikea shower curtains, and what do you have?
A DIY photobooth for wedding guests.
How many event shooters and wedding photographers could benefit from doing this themselves (and charging a modest (or immodest) fee) rather than having a guest/attendee show up and do it for them?

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8.06.2009 by Kevin Creighton
Uh-oh, Microsoft,
not a good way to build confidence in your newly-revamped search engine.
A search on Bing for the phrase, "Why is Windows so expensive?" returned this as the top link...."Why are Macs so expensive."That's right. You're not hallucinating. That was the top response on Bing to a question about the price of Windows.
I was tempted for a few weeks to use Bing as a backup to Google results, but not anymore.

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8.01.2009 by Kevin Creighton
Does Apple/AT&T's rejection of Google voice signify the beginning of the end of mobile phone service as we know it?
I don't use Google Voice, but I do love me my iPhone. With the FCC looking into this, it could finally cut the subsidized phone/expensive service model we're looked into here and open up the mobile phone world to real competition.

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