A footnote to the SteveNote
8.24.2011 by Kevin Creighton
Now that Steve Jobs has moved on as iCEO, I wish him the best, and hope that the cancer that has dogged him as of late will continue to decline.
But oh, how I'll miss the SteveNote addresses at MacWorld. A SteveNote wasn't just a product launch, it was a part pilgrimage, part celebration, part Sunday morning worship at the Triple Rock Church. It was a gathering of the faithful to hear a message from our High Priest.
Gonna miss it. I'll still buy Apple products, of course (heck, I bought a IIci and a Lombard, so my sanity has been in question for quite some time now), but it will be out of duty and not out of love.
Thanks for the memories, Steve. Thanks for saving Apple when no one else could.