9.15.2009 by Kevin Creighton
Facebook has achieved what so many Web 2.0 startups have failed to do:
They have positive cash flow.
Lesson to be learned here? Rupert Murdoch jumped the gun and spent a gazillion dollars for MySpace, which
made a profit (barely) a few years ago but is now getting clobbered by Facebook, and
the last payment from Google is looming for MySpace. Can MySpace be profitable without Google's cash? I doubt it.
Sometimes, it's good to be #2.

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9.08.2009 by Kevin Creighton
Everyone's chattering about
what Apple will roll out tomorrow, but one of the things I've not heard anyone talk about is support for Flash in the iPhone/iTouch.

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9.07.2009 by Kevin Creighton
Annie Leibowitz is in a world of financial hurt, and to make matters worse,
she's getting sued for plagiarism.
An Italian photographer is suing celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz, claiming that she used his pictures without gaining his permission.
The photographer, Paolo Pizzetti, claims that Leibovitz used pictures that he had taken in Rome and Venice and used them in a coffee company's 2009 calender, passing them off as her own work.
Proving yet again that there are shooters who are good at photography and shooters who are good at business, but rare is the shooter who is good at both.

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