A pair o' dime shift

Don waxes rapturously over the camera capabilities of his iPhone.
I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, I think the iPhone and other similar smartphones represent a fundamental shift in how we take, process and distribute photos.
Consider how things were back in the pre-digital dark ages.
- Film was exposed
- Film was developed and possibly altered by either the photographer or a lab
- Photos were distributed by mailing prints, viewing chromes, half-tone printing, etc.
In the recent past, things were very similar
- Photos were captured on a camera
- Photos were chosen, cropped and possibly altered on a computer
- Photos were distributed by email, CD, printing, flash drive, etc.
Today, with a smartphone, there are no second and third steps: The phone is camera, production and distribution all in one. We can capture a five megapixel image, adjust contrast, exposure and a host of other options right on our phone, and then upload it to Flickr, Facebook or Twitter for all the world to see, no intermediary devices are needed. Photographers shouldn't worry about a world like this, it's the people who distribute photos that will see the most changes when every photographer has a production house in their hip pocket.