What have you done for me lately?
The first time I saw this ad on Facebook, I half-expected it to link to Huhcorp.

A marketing agency that's going to save the world?
Well, cool. It's great that they've got "the world" as their client, but if that's their attitude, I want nothing to do with them. I don't want a marketing agency that'll save the world (that's Al Gore's job. Just ask him, he'll tell you it's so), I want a marketing agency that'll save my company/organization. If I want to save the world, I'll put money into things like micro-enterprise and appropriate technology and let my marketing agency do the job I pay them to do.
Forty may have a problem with over-promising and under-delivering here. How does one go about doing a SWOT analysis on saving the world, anyways? ("Strengths: The World. Threats: Everything else.") And when they do save the world, who are they going to bill for the job? Will they take a check?
P.S. According to their Facebook ads, "Kim Stearns" is just one in a series of "Marketing Directors" at Forty who are all young, hip and attractive. Amazing how that works...