I'm finally up to speed in the cellphone world, having rejected the lame ROKR (Most. Disappointing. Phone. Ever!) in favour of a Blackberry (mmmmn, crack), so I can understand the thought process behind this idea.
But let's return to the cost/benefit analysis for a second. In return for snapping a pix and uploading it and waiting for a download you get...
A Coca-Cola branded game. Yay you. I mean, it's not like games for cell phones are hard to find.
Look, I understand the need to track metrics, but shouldn't downloads of the game be enough? Why is Coke putting a barrier (upload a picture, and heaven help you if the lighting's bad or the focus is off or if you have an advanced phone like my Blackberry that doesn't have a camera) in front of what we've come to accept as standard consumer behaviour? Why isn't the download enough?
Rule #1 about herding sheep: They don't go willingly to places they're not used to.