"Is the iPod era of personal media choices may be turning us into an iSolation nation?"
In a word, no.
If the author of this article had taken a moment to actually look at and use the technologies in question, they'd find the wonderful diverse nature of the blog world actually opens up a whole new world of possibilities for multiple views on a single story. Or how the iMixes and recommendations on iTunes highlight new music to all who use it. And even TiVO's suggestions for recording can get creative at times.
If anything, the Information Reformation that's going on is *more* liberating, as now we're free to pick and choose what interests us, rather than have it force-fed to us
Technology doesn't change human nature. It only augments whats already there.
"Is the iPod era of personal media choices may be turning us into an iSolation nation?"
In a word, no.
If the author of this article had taken a moment to actually look at and use the technologies in question, they'd find the wonderful diverse nature of the blog world actually opens up a whole new world of possibilities for multiple views on a single story. Or how the iMixes and recommendations on iTunes highlight new music to all who use it. And even TiVO's suggestions for recording can get creative at times.
If anything, the Information Reformation that's going on is *more* liberating, as now we're free to pick and choose what interests us, rather than have it force-fed to us
Technology doesn't change human nature. It only augments whats already there.