A good idea gone bad
I can almost understand what the designers at Lowe's.com were thinking:
"Let's build our online design and planning pages so they feel more like an application than a web page!"
A good idea, right up to the time that you want to send someone a link to, say, a backyard planning app.
No direct linking to the pages were you can choose which app you want. In fact, no direct linking to any of their design planners. Kind of hard for them to catch on and become popular that way...
"Let's build our online design and planning pages so they feel more like an application than a web page!"
A good idea, right up to the time that you want to send someone a link to, say, a backyard planning app.
No direct linking to the pages were you can choose which app you want. In fact, no direct linking to any of their design planners. Kind of hard for them to catch on and become popular that way...